123host.au refund policy
Our lawyer charges $360 per hour, so let's keep them out of this and use some common sense. At 123host we want you to be completely happy with every decision you and we make.
Assuming that you have not abused the 123Host terms of service, we offer a 14 day, 100%, no-questions-asked, refund on services that we provide. This includes but is not limited to hosting, WordPress management and other similiar services. In short, if something goes wrong in your life or you change your mind or whatever, and you haven't done something intentionally naughty, you will get a full refund.
After 14 days we may, at our discretion, give a pro-rata refund, and because we like to be different to other businesses, we probably will.
However, if you have ordered a domain and it has been registered (i.e. money out of our pocket), there is no refund unless there has been some sort of mistake at our end, in which case we will make it right for you.